Mons used: Camerupt (evolved from Numel at sendout) 1v1 Singles, switch=troll, all abilities, 1 day DQ, no recoveries/infinite chills, no items. 2v2 doubles, switch=N/A, all abilities, 1 day DQ, no recoveries/chills, no items. Mons used: Abomasnow, Camerupt (evolved from Numel at sendout), Spheal 3v3 Triples, switch=ko, one ability, 3 days DQ, 5 for ref, 2 recoveries/5 chills per mon, no items. Versus Deck Knight (Match 1) 2v2 doubles, switch=the trollface trollolo vid, all abilities, 2 days DQ, 1 Recovery/3 Chills per Pokemon, no items. 2v2 doubles, switch=troll, all abilities, 3 days DQ, 0 Recovers/Rests, 2 chills, no items.

Freezing Fury (part 1) w/ Omegaman and Berserker Lord, 2v2v2 Melee, switch=KO, one ability, 4 days dq, 3 uses of Recover/Rest and 8 chills, no items. Battle in a grassy field w/ Rolf, 1v1 Singles, switch= this, all abilities, unspecified DQ, no recovers, 5 chills, no items. Mons used: Snover, Syclar, Krillowatt, Numel The Great Arby's Faceoff w/ NyxNocturne, 4v4 Doubles, switch=OK, all abilities, 3 days dq, 2 uses of Recover/Rest and 5 chills, no items. Notable for quite possibly being the longest-running match in the entire history of CAP ASB, lasting from February 16th (only about a week into CAP ASB's formation, and easily less) to May 3rd. Versus Plusle, 3v3 Singles, switching OK, no abilities, 2 days dq, two uses of Recover/Rest and 5 chills, no items. Mons used: Snover, Syclar, Plicowatt, Numel Versus FinnRagetti (Match 2), 4v4 Doubles, switch=KO, one ability, 3 days dq, 3 uses of Recover/Rest and 8 chills, no items. Versus Dracoyoshi8, 2v2 Singles, switch=OK, all abilities, 3 days dq, 3 uses of Recover/Rest and 6 chills, no items. Versus Kaxtar (Match 1), 3v3 Singles, switch=OK, all abilities, 2 days dq, two uses of Recover/Rest and 5 chills, no items. A fairly interesting read from CAP ASB's earliest days, despite misplays. Versus FinnRagetti (Match 1), 1v1 Singles, switching irrelevant, all abilities, 2 days dq, two uses of Recover/Rest and 5 chills, items enabled. Glyph of Thunderbolt (1 owned): Lowers the threat generated by Thunderbolt by 50% Glyph of Flash Cannon (1 owned): Removes Flash Cannon's secondary effect chance and causes it to have 30% chance to raise user's Special Attack by 1 stage (Doesn't work on Pokémon with the ability Sheer Force) Tournament #1 placing: Reached round 4 (semifinals) before getting knocked out. Pokemon: Abomasnow*, Syclant*, Krillowatt*, Camerupt, Froslass, Walrein, Rampardos, Dunsparce, Sigilyph, Tomohawk, Wormadam-S, Combee, Cyclohm, Zebstrika, Excadrill, Mamoswine, Weedle, Eevee, Voodoll, Gurdurr, Lucario, Gastly, Zorua, Rotom, Embirch, Mankey, Smeargle, Necturine, Smoochum, Colosshale, KlangĭQ-based or otherwise termination-based W/L/calling off: 2/0/2